Dr. Cann is extremely patient aware and always makes sure
that you are having an easy time of any procedure. She replaced
the old amalgam (darkmetal looking stuff) fillings with tooth colored composite- what a difference! In the process she found
many fillings had decay underneath, and some old
caps & crowns had decay under them as well--the pain from these is what brought me to her in the first place ! She worked hard to save the teeth-which I greatly appreciated. She has a
great staff, insurance was handled well and the hygenist is a
definite worker ! What amazed me the most was how well she
and her assistant, Michelle, worked together ! Michelle is top
notch ! She and Dr. Cann work like a well oiled clock, it's
amazing,really. Very fast too.Sure glad I found her. I hope I can
keep her ! Calling to make an appt. and getting the new address (office has moved)from Google is what introduced me
to this site. I didn't know it existed, but I think it's a great service
for people ! Thanks.