I was very disappointed. Numerous times over the phone I asked about my dental coverage and my participating network. The answers 'yes, we'll file their paper work' and 'yes, they'll cover your visits with us,' I came to find out was just a covert way of getting me there without answering the question. Never did they say, "while we do not contract with any insurance company, we .... " No, they are not under contract with any insurance, yes they do want you to spend upward of 100.00 for a clean that is normally free. I missed a day of work, pulled both of my daughters out of school, didn't even have xrays done, and still ended up with 194.00 bill. I should have called the dental insurance, but I've honestly never known a dentist that outright lies to new patients when they ask "are you a participating provider with ..."? To add insult to injury, while there, and reading the disclosure for the first time, I told the woman all of my concerns, and she said it'd be a "a little different, maybe $10-20," so I did the cleanings for each child, because, like I said, I had already lost the day otherwise. The I get the bill... In what world is 194.00 a little different? They are a bunch of liars. Very upsetting!