The minute I walked into his office he looked for my health insurance and nothing else. He called constantly in order to remind me to bring the co-payment check. Meanwhile, on the seat, he seemed to have little to no interest in being a proper human. Before the root canal, he subjected me to these technical talks which he looked more nervous in then me. He was highly neurotic and generally all over the place, emphasizing the fact that if the root canal does not work, he still gets paid.
I found that he had little to no emotion to him. This was my first root canal ever and was very scared.
The surgery went quite well, however. It was relatively painless, however I have yet to see just how successful it was since I am going to have it filled by a regular doctor, whom I will no doubt ask to confirm its success.
The office was quite cleanly and comfortable, however his assistant seemed to be nowhere in site when the phone called and thus he often picked it up, literally stopping the surgery midway while he scheduled appointments: a most irritating thing.
As mentioned, the place was quite cleanly, especially considering that it was in flushing.