I've had major problems with a post that was misplaced by my former dentist.
The hole for the post was drilled off center into the jaw, causing inflamation and recession of the bone. Since this tooth was one of the basis for a bridge, the whole prothesis was jeopardized and I would have needed 2 implants and a new crown to close the gap.
Dr. Kim opened the jaw, cut away the post reaching into the jaw, sealed the root and managed to get the bone to rebuild. Magic! This saved me from going throught months of treatments and spending a fortune. I had absolutely no pain during and after surgery except for slight discomfort during the healing process. Dr. Kim called after surgery and checked the tooth/jaw every 3 months for more than a year without charge.
On another incidence, where I was about to loose another tooth, caused by malpractice of my former dentist, Dr. Kim again performed magically! I had a root resection done earlier and for unknown reasons the tip of the root was left in the jaw, causing a tremendous inflamation. Critical on this surgery was, that the tip was located very close to my sinus.
Guess why it was left there! Dr. Kim is absolutely the best!