Dr. John Daugherty of Daugherty Dental Group has played a highly important role by his evaluation, expertise, and knowledge of treating my TMJ disorder which was exacerbated from a moter vehicle accident over two years ago. Dr. Daughtery's splint therapy immediately decreased the migranes that I tolerated for over 9 months after the accident and the coronal plasty treatment was virtually pain free.
Dr. Daugherty's knowledge and teaching/education of trigger-points, trigger-point injections, diet and excercise, and spray & freeze therapy has helped me to push my physicians and neurologists for further options that have allowed my day to day living become tolerable.
My goal of being able to gain some of the activities back, with limitations, that I could do prior to this motor vehicle accident have been obtained by Dr. Daugherty educating and working with my family physician, neurologist, and rheumatologist and physical therapist.