This dentist office seemed like a joke, and extremely unprofessional. This was my boyfriend's and I's first visit to this office. I have never had a cavity before, and Dr. Lamburt said that I had a large one that needed to be taken care of right away. I wasn't bothering me and I didn't believe I had one. I didn't really didn't want to go to another new office for a second opinion. Which I really should have, because they reassured me that my insurance would cover it that I just needed to pay my co-pay. My insurance didn't cover his services, and I had to do a self pay on a filling that in my heart believe was false. And to top it all off, they wouldn't reemberse my co-pay!!! My boyfriend also had a horrible experience. He doesn't have insurance so when he made his appointment for his cleaning he was very clear that all he could afford was the standard cleaning that ran 60-70 dollars. The cleaning went well and he was sitting up to pay and leave and Dr. Lambert came in and told him that he was going to take a look. After he did his 15 second inspection with his mirrior. My boyfriend headed to the front to pay the bill. The bill was now $115.00, they charged him $45-$50 for the doctor to glance at his teeth. NOT RECOMENDED