Do yourself a favor and search "best dentist in Columbus" before you make a choice for your next dentist. Dr. Butler may do good work at times, but at a high emotional price. He has no bedside manners, is rough, does not admit fault/take responsibility when botching a job, does not inform patients of severity of work being performed or aftercare. He carries himself in a superior way, tends to demean or belittle you as a patient with snyde remarks and inappropriate jokes. Other negative reviews did a good job describing some of his ways. I would never ever go back to him. Another unpleasant aspect - as you sit in the chair being worked on, you will see everything that is happening to another patient - there are no privacy walls or partitions, you are at full display. And chances are good you will be worked on by a temp assistant who does not have enough skill to be hired permanently, yet is entrusted to finish his job for him, such as adjust your bite with a drill. Overall - I dont know how he stays in practice conducting business in the way he does. Sorry this sounds angry, but this is how his work will make you feel.