I love going to Deirdre's office. Everyone is always really nice. They have great equipment and nothing ever hurts too bad. They always wear really fun dentist outfits that have fish on them. the office is comfortable. they give you tea while you wait. the Magazine collection is not too bad. Last time i went they were able to squeze me in really quickly. My teath always look great after haveing been to see them at their office. All of the dental assistants are great too. I really enjoy talking to them while they clean my teeth. They are also very nice when it comes to billing. I have moved a number of times and they always get all my infromation right. For a number of years I was living at my parents house and I when I moved out they were able to continue to bill to my parents, but send my cleaning reminders to me. It's hard to find a dentist that will work with you on a one on one basis like that. My whole family goes to see her. My uncle even drives down from Seattle because he thinks she does a really good job. They have pictures on the ceiling for patients to look at while they are looking at your teeth. I thought that was nice of them to think of us bing bored in the chair.