I had 4 additional porcelain veneers placed by Jeffrey Jones. A year later, my gum lines above the 4 teeth became discolored and turned red. My gums occasionally bled, became sore. I have had significant discomfort, bleeding, gingivitis and gum inflammation around those teeth, although I was regularly getting them cleaned.
I visited a periodontics, he stated the veneers placed by him were causing inflammation because of the way they were placed on the teeth, regular cleanings would not solve the problem. He stated that I had issues with the fit (veneers were placed too far under the gum), suggested to remove them, then possibly perform a gingival re-contouring in order to create and maintain a proper biological width.
The preparation of those 4 teeth , workmanship was executed poorly. The gingivitis and inflammation in the gums came from over contouring the veneer at and under the gum line because tooth contours play a role in determining how easy it is to clean teeth, keep them and the gum tissue that surrounds them healthy. Those veneers have caused pockets to swell along the gum line. The four veneers placed by him have been inconvenience to me from a standpoint of function, caused me to have dental health issues.