I'm patient because my wife, but since the first appt. I did not like the treatment of the hygenist and or the work was perfomed by the dentist. I went once to performed a periodental treatment I wait about 40 min. then I had to leave because they had no anesthesia. Dr. pulled out a teeth that I think could be saved, then he told me that I need a crown on another theet after selecting the matching color the day of the appt was diferent and too big also because He drill/grind my lower teeth so the crown could fit in place, he argument was drilling or grinding the crown could brake, it is not my fault that they did not make it right and now my teeth that was nothing to do with this is hurting. I'm very dissapointed and me and my family will move to another dentist. My daughter that is patient for almost 6yrs, has a cavitie on one of her permanet molars very visible, she just went for a cleaning and I cant beleive they did not see it.