The offices are state of the art. He is got the latest equipment available, but beware!! Dr Nguyen's staff does not include one single certified dental hygienist. Some of the staff does not speak fluent English and are doing dental work on you!
His work is really poor where he looks for his financial gain instead of the trully good care of his patients. ie; he will do an onlay/inlay that is poorly fitted so that it will fall off in a couple of years or maybe months so that the patient goes back to his office for more work, and he will charge you to fix it. Therefore, he is very expensive.
This doctor says he can do it all, with a smile, but as you continue using his services you can really "see" the real person and that his work is more temporary than permanent. Beware!! Do not go to him for dental braces!! Big mistake.
He will try to work on you without gloves that are required by OSHA or CDC. I can go on and on. Be careful when you go for a simple cleaning because who ever is taking care of you might just be creating more money for them and problems for you.