Review by
uncommonly honest
I went to Dr Gordon to have a Wisdom Tooth extracted in 2007, I had to ask for numbing medicine 3 different times, and it took almost 2 hours to extract the tooth, or so I believed. Then in January of 2010 I started getting these sharp headaches and severe pain in my jaw and ear. My mouth was swollen and I could barely swallow. I started looking in my mouth and saw something cutting through the side of my gumline. I went in to see Dr Gordon, and low and behold, an Hour later and he showed me a Piece of tooth that had been left inside my mouth for three years, it was the size of a kidney bean, I could not believe this was just left in there. I paid almost $400 dollars to have my Tooth removed and I am assuming all that happened was it was broken off to look as if it had been removed. I still carry the piece of tooth around, in case anyone is curious about Dr Gordon, or asks me about a dentist..... I avidly let them know whom I DO NOT RECOMMEND. He has NO Bed Side Manner whatsoever. Very un professional.