Dr. Romero needs to update his practice and start doing more modern procedures. He still uses silver fillings when many drs use white, aside from the cosmetic stand point, they are healthier. Silver fillings begin to eat away at the tooth and has traces of mercury. I needed a root canal that Dr. romero did in his office himself and i have had nothing put promblems with it since day one, he has had to replace the crown twice (because they were never fitted properly) I have had to get an apicoectomy. I have several fillings of his that have gone bad. A got a cleaning and had no cavities...only 2 months later when to a different dentist and they found two that had been there for some time. Now I do have bad teeth, but I blame all the re-occuring issues on Dr. Romero!!!!!!! he is a very nive man and the staff is always very friendly, but the overall dentistry is awful!!!!