I came in for cerec in an onlays. He told me I needed crowns that he was an artist and he would do the whole procedure. He prep'd my teeth and pushed me onto staff w/o checking temps, molds, or perm. teeth which had no shape or tooth anatomy and were cheaply made in-house w/non precious metal and very thin porclian,cemented in after a lot of drilling on the crowns. My dentene was exposed, could not brush or floss w/o pain. He nicked a tooth under my gums next to one he crowned. He did not ascess I had a serious infection under my front teeth. I learned this going to a 2nd Dentist. He had under qualified staff doing his work. X-ray tech,using older equit. double exposed film and took too many x-rays as they could not read them. Sent 2 sets of mold they were not happy with to lab,because it was 5pm they quit for the day and said, we'll make these work. Cost $8,000.00.
I IMMEDIATELY went to a MASTER DENTIST to have all removed and done properly. I most possibly could have saved my teeth had I went for 2nd opinion.Dr. Moore even removed good crowns and prep'd good teeth making bridges, I didn't need. I seriously do not reccomend this dentist. I will be reporting him and discussing possible filing suit on him.