Dr. Vann may be ok for routine dental work.But, she depicts herself as an expert in TMJ with significant experience. Her fees are exhorbitant. Her staff constantly changes and is incompetent. Her treatment worsened my TMJ, caused me great pain, suffering and debility. It has taken me two years and an additional $20000 to recover her "treatment" which I had to discontinue before she did even more damage. She follows a rote but very aggressive protocol for TMJ, but if any of it requires judgment, she becomes paralyzed and cannot find a solution. While she claims to care about her patients, her time off is more important to her than their care and discomfort and she thinks nothing of letting a patient in pain wait for days to weeks to be seen. Lastly, if her treatment does not work, somehow this becomes the fault of the patient who has paid huge sums, been completely compliant and suffered terribly.