I have referred patients to Dr Korman's office, because I know they will be in the most compassionate, efficient and knowledgeable Dentist Office in the area. From Dr. Korman to every member of the staff, you will receive their complete attention and conscientiousness. Dr Korman and staff are tremendous listeners. They truly care about your dental plan, and go beyond duty to either maintain your teeth or repair them. They are truly experts in putting your mind at ease, and explaining very thouroughly the treatment plan. EXCELLENT COMMUNICATORS!!!
Dr Korman has taken care of my entire family, and has done an implant for me, which was a tremendous success. I am in a further care plan with him presently to do others.
The best thing that I can say about Dr Korman is that he is meticulous with his measurements and other processes.
You will not find a better Dentist anywhere. I am in the ministry and I have traveled extensively.
In your search for a great Dentist, please consider Dr Korman.
Chaplain Roger A. Gauthier