the most important thing about dr. forbes is what he hasn't done. when i first moved here 12 years ago i went to a dentist many friends raved about. she was personable and scary -- i had major problems with my teeth that needed to be fixed immediately. my partner urged me to try dr. forbes. thank god i did. a filling i needed to replace "immediately" wiht a crown is still there under dr. forbes wait and monitor attitude. the other things she discussed he described as cosmetic "options" not absolute must dos. this is a VERY different approach. the reality is dr. forbes has a thriving practice -- he doesn't need to hype unneeded work to pay his bills. plus he's a totally nice guy as is his office manager, and dental hygienist (sue is my favorite). its efficient, friendly and you get good care. he was not more expensive than the other dentist in terms of cleaning etc, but of course much LESS expensive bc i'm not having to do a lot of unnecessary work.