I underwent oral surgery at the clinic of BM Patakas for removal of my wisdom teeth. I've had a number of problems with this dentist:
+ First they made an error in their accounts and send me a letter threatening me to pay $25.93 (which I did not owe) or else the matter would be reported to collections.
+ More seriously this dentist performed a soft tissue biopsy without my knowledge and approval. He agreed to waive the biopsy charge when I mentioned to him that it was done without my knowledge or approval. But almost after a year or even more I started receiving bills from Diagnostic Pathology Lab where the tissue was sent for biopsy. I tried hard to fight the case but the dentist wouldn't honor his earlier commitment. There are two grave ``crimes'' (I don't know what other word to use) this doctor committed here: first performing a soft tissue biopsy without my knowledge and approval and second refusing to honor his waiver.
I have a copy of all the bills corraborating above narrative. I even sent a complaint letter to Dental Board of California but they came back to me saying this was something in which they can't help.