THE WORST DENTIST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. He extracted my wisdom teeth. Going in, I was nervous, only to be greeted by bitchy nurses and receptionists who were completely disorganized. He came in, shoved my x-ray on the lightbox then shook his head and told me how impacted my teeth were. I wasn't in pain, but my regular dentist wanted them out. The Dr. jerked my head back and poked at my teeth, down into my gums - made me watch this with a mirror. I said, "owe." He did not stop, but rather said, "see. They're bad." He continued and I started crying. I was embarrassed but completely overwhelmed by the situation. He said as coldly as possible, "why are you crying?" and stormed out of the room. No one offered me a tissue or even spoke to me. I shook in the operating chair waiting to be put under and forced a nurse to talk to me. They finally got started. The next thing I knew, I was huddled over, grasping onto my boyfriend with my eyes jammed shut and I was sobbing loudly. I had had an anxiety attack and had been conscious for 30 minutes without knowing it, stuck in a back room with the washer/dryer and oxygen tanks. I was bedridden for five days and still have pain a month later.