I was forwarded to Dr. Walker by my dentist to extract my impacted wisdom teeth. The experience was a mixed bag. The only good thing to be said is that when all's said and done, my wisdom teeth were removed with no post-operative complications or irritations. However, Dr. Walker was a thoroughly unpleasant man. His pre-operation talk with me was short, churlish, and left me feeling like he didn't particularly care whether or not the operation was a success. That's the mild criticism. On the day of the operation, as I was falling asleep from the nitrous oxide I was breathing, I detected not-so-subtle racist jabs like "didn't bother to shave your beard?" and a few comments along the lines of "talk slower, I can't understand you" - despite speaking perfectly fine unaccented American English (my ethnic heritage is South Asian). When I went to my post-operation check-up and asked him whether smoking a few stray cigarettes would affect the healing process (I was previously warned by the nurse not to smoke for a week after the surgery), he replied "maybe" and then asked if "I smoked anything else" with a smirk. When I asked him about food stuck in the cavities, he rolled his eyes. He didn't bother to even say bye afterwards.