My daughter, 24, had to find an oral surgeon to remove wisdom teeth,as she had recently moved to Colorado. She luckily choose Dr. Hildebrandt and she couldn't have been more fortunate. From the first call to the office, where the receptionist was sympathetic to her pain, to the two nurses who sat at her sides and held her hands, to the Dr.'s expertise and compassion she was obviously in the right place.He didn't try to pressure or sell her on having the surgery. He told her the way the wisdom teeth were coming in, they wouldn't affect her bite,but that she would probably continue having occasional infections around the wisdom teeth . She decided to get it over with. She has extreme anxiety with anything medical, being extremely healthy and never even having a cavity filled! Dr. Hildebrandt called the night of the surgery, and when she experienced some other weird medical concerns a few days later, he so kindly talked to my husband and me, then Shelby to ease her fears. He called her again today, just to check in. She wishes he was a general practice physician so she could go his office for everything.She said if she ever needs oral surgery again, and moves away, she would fly to Colorado Springs and stay in a hotel just to see him
About Front Desk: EVERYONE she was in contact was awesome. They were amazing and gave us, her parents, great comfort - as we live many states away
My Experience:
I know this doctor: 7 days