When I went in for my Wisdom tooth Sugery I was surprised to receive a bag with several items.
Not only the instructions but also several items to take care of myself after surgery.
Before my surgery I was also given the option of using a spa like eye mask for my procedure. I had the option of warm or cold and was described the benefits of both. After my surgery as I was waking up they gave me a small towel to wipe my face with the most delicious smell. I was have asleep.
When I arrived home I was surprised to see a Get Well Soon card and then even received a phone call the next day to see how I was doing. I kept thinking about the smell of the towel when I went back for my follow up I asked about it thinking that maybe I imagined it from the effects of the anesthesia. Then Belkis the nurse smiled and said This...and handled me another. She explained that it was aromatherapy. Aside from an awesome experience with the surgery their customer service and small details were a definite added bonus!