I met Dr Degen approximately a month a half ago, due to having an extreme amount of pain in 2 of my teeth. It turned out that I had (12) teeth left, and all but of 2 of them were beyond being saved. I am very very very scared of dentist and Oral sugreons. I've had 3 extremely bad experiences in the last 20 years, and as a direct result, I refused to go see anyone until I couldn't take it anymore. I am sad to say that that is exactly what I did. I do NOT recommend anyone do what I did. To make a long story short, Dr Degen is the BEST ORAL SURGEON I have ever experienced. He is the most COMPASSIONATE, CARING, KIND, CONSIDERATE, and just OVERALL good person. He took my fear seriously, and did everything he could to make me comfortable and not scared, and I was not scared at ALL !!! I had the IV sedation done, which by the way I am terrified of needles. GOOD NEWS, I DIDN'T FEEL the needle, can you believe that ? I HIGHLY RECOMMEND DR DEGEN !!! He's a positive influence to the human race. He is exactly what my mom taught me a dr was suppose to be like. A.V. 8/2/9