i was sent to dr. william gelfman's office in the late 1980s for an emergency by my regular dentist (dr. leslie meyerberg) and i was TERRIFIED 'cause of horrific experiences i'd had in the past. well, let me tell you, dr. gelfman was quite professional and made me feel at ease IMMEDIATELY! he'd never met me before but he is such a 'mensch' (a 'yiddish-ism' - a person who goes out of their way to do good & to help) turns out, i had to have an abscess removed, after that, he told me that in order to save my tooth, he'd have to do a bone graph. i asked how much, he said '1000.00,' i started to cry. i was on public assistance at that time and i HAD no money. so, he said, after this being ONLY OUR FIRST MEETING, 'don't worry, we'll just absorb the cost. the important thing is to save that tooth!" well, don't you KNOW i CRIED EVEN MORE because of him being such a mensch! i LOVE that man! he has since saved MANY of my teeth, but of course since that 1st visit, i HAVE been able to pay what our insurance doesn't cover. i trust NO OTHER oral surgeon with MY teeth! 'nuff said...