Review by
Mahendra Bhatia
He started out good but at the end he did a very poor job. He failed to respect my time to explain me in detail after the surgery how and what happened. I had to come two times extra. First time when they failed to communicate that I should change my medications and had to cancel the appontment when I took a day off to come for the extraction of the teeth. I was billed that day for second opinion when they told me no charges. I lost my day as they failed to communicate about my mediction cahnges. As a follow up he spent less than 3 minutes without explaining the lab work or answer my questions about lot of pain or white spots inside the cheek. He just walked away even when I was trying to talk to him. In brief, he has his way and treats you like a kid. I lost total three hours to visit him coming from Bethesda and he saw me for less than 4 minutes! I feel he did a very poor job and no respect for my pain issue or folllow up visit consultation timing I spent to come to his office. Dr. smith helped me understand when I visited in Reston today, on Friday. Julia helped me finally getting Dr. Smith to check it out and explained me the lab report. Nurses are all great.