I had my braces done by Dr. Fong. He was pretty good at doing procedures as painlessly as possible (braces are always painful), and took care to make sure the wires and brackets weren't poking my gums. He is somewhat costly, but he does good work. Billing was easy, and the front desk was always efficient and courteous. He has his own practice, but he hires a few hygienists...all of whom are qualified and nice. He always checks your progress after the hygienist is done with you (if he doesn't do the work himself) and his own chair-side manners are very good. The place is homely, warm, and clean. Very stress free. I think they took most insurance carriers. As far as my own treatment, it wasn't as successful as I had hoped, but I had a difficult case. Most other people I knew who went to him had very successful treatment completed in two years or less.