Read Reviews for Dr. D Kratenstein
About Front Desk: Front desk receptionist was very sweet & helpful
Front desk:
Hygiene rating:
About Hygienist: Nicole the Hygenist was great
My Experience: Exam & Consultation, X-Rays
Duration: Hour+
I know this doctor: 1 year
Front desk:
Hygiene rating:
About Hygienist: ????
I know this doctor: 8yrs
About Hygienist: In the midst of my second appointment with him, I had a lump on the roof of my mouth which I knew I had to see a surgeon for, but out of curiousity asked Dr. Kratenstein his opinon. He took his glove off in front of me and with his bare hands began pressing the lump to see if it hurt. I was in shock and too mortified to excuse myself or ask him to please put his gloves back on. Forgive me if Im wrong... but isnt this unsanitary???
I know this doctor: almost 2 months now