I had the worst experience ever with John Conniff. I remember vividly as a child getting some work done when I was around 6 years old it and was a very traumatic experience. When dip sh!t was injecting numbing agents into my mouth I remember crying from the pain Conniff grabbed my mouth and cheeks very hard and told me to shut up or I was going to freak out all the other kids in the room. He then proceeded to inject me and was very aggressive with his proceedure. This memory was forever implanted in my mind. That was the last time I saw him but from then on I hated needles and would panic when I thought I was going to get a shot from any doctor. Fast forward to age 24. I was a store manager at a store called Gadzooks that used to be in the Las Cruses Mall. Not sure how the subject came up but I told this same story to a fellow employee named Carrie Kantrowitz (hope I spelled that right). Turns out she had the very same experience I did when she was a child.