Read review posted by HonestFacts on Jan. 9, 2011, 10:23 p.m. for Dr. John Bosak - Dentist

Dr. John Bosak DDS - Dentist

1.5 based on 6 reviews

Rating out of 5 stars

Granada Hills, CA

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Review by Stars: 1.0 on Link
Awful! I agree with the other MANY negative reviews. Check Yahoo Local reviews. The one positive review must have been written by him. He ruined my tooth and said he did nothing. After getting 2 other second opinions from very experienced, long practitioners, I was told that his work was ABSOLUTELY the cause. He marks charts as "decayed" and fills teeth unnecessarily. His fillings crack and fall out within 2 years at which point he then marks "decay" on chart and wants to fill again. Other dentists indicated a definite root canal was in order. They said more drilling would have been very dangerous since filling was so close to the nerve. His fillings usually result in root canals. Very young family members now have root canals due to his fabricated necessities so he can get money from insurance companies. His prices seem normal but after paying for all the unecessary work you spend MUCH more than other dentists.He tried to charge $850 for 2 crowns. When I called my insurance company they said the actual cost is $70!

I know this doctor: 6 yrs

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