My temporary (flipper) tooth broke the night before Thanksgiving. Since it was a front tooth, I made an emergency call to see if my dentist would fit me in as early as possible Friday morning. Instead, Dr. Kostrov suggested I come in early Thanksgiving morning so I would not have to be without a front tooth at my planned Thanksgiving feast with family and friends. I was amazed!
Bright and early Thanksgiving morning, he met me at his office, surveyed the damaged flipper, and decided to create a new one. Throughout the procedure, Dr. Kostrov explained what he was doing. He proceeded to make the molds and fashioned a new front tooth for me in the lab right on the premises. The finished flipper fit perfectly.
So this Thanksgiving I have added to my list of things and people I am grateful for, a dentist named Michael Kostrov who was willing to work on Thanksgiving morning, and a front tooth instead of a big gap.
Beth Prester, Reston, VA