I used to be absolutely petrified of anything concerning a dentist. I ignored pain in my mouth because I was so scared of the drills and the pain. I am very sensitive and do not handle pain well, and do not get numb. Ive had horrible experiences at the dentists, and because of that, I put off going for 3½ years.
When I heard the ad for sedation dentistry on the radio I was still scared and pessimistic about its results so I ignored it and even would change the station until the ad was over.
But when the pain became the most unbearable and brought me close to tears on more than one occasion, I actually listened to the ad and got the phone number.
I called and talked to incredibly nice and helpful people. I met Dr. Piedra, and he is the first dentist Ive ever met and not been afraid of. He is unlike any dentist Ive ever met: very warm, nice, and doesnt make me feel embarrassed about the amount of work that needs to be done. I have yet to encounter any pain, and that is a huge relief to me.
For the first time ever, I walked away from the doctor with a smile on my face.