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Meolas associate drilled a hole in my head during a crown and instead of treating my injuries told me I was fine and it would just go away. Over a year later I still have jaw pain daily and can barely chew my food. Dr. Meola's office and associates won't even let me have my x-rays to show to a real doctor who can help me.
Meola's associate that drilled into my head also put in the stitches. I couldn't open my mouth to eat for over two weeks and Meola's office insisted I was fine. Then the associate made fun of me during a follow up appointment when I complained about the pain. I had to wait two months until the crown could be put in and then it DIDN'T FIT.
NINE DAYS after the crown was put in my mouth it broke into pieces in my mouth while I was drinking coffee. Insurance company told me I had to go back and let the same dentist drill the rest of the crown out of my head. He joked he did much better the second time.
After another month of horrendous pain and not being able to eat, I got the second crown on and couldn't close my mouth. Finally went to a REAL dentist who fitted it properly.
To this day I cannot even eat a sandwich as my jaw hurts so much EVERY DAY ALL DAY.
This dentist now teaches at BU Dental.