Exam and Cleaning arranged...However, the nurses began to do a periodontal exam, which I did not need since I actually had one done by an actual periodontist (for which I had a dental cleaning and connective tissue graft three months before coming to this practice). The hygienist was very heavy handed with the tools and she definitely hurt me. She said that my teeth were bad so she had to use a water tool. When I was done, the doctor (who was very nice, but about to retire) took a quick look at my x-rays from a few months ago and said everything was great. He commented on how beautiful and white my teeth were. Little did I know that they submitted my insurance for a full debridement...my cousin is a dentist and was shocked. He advised me that this doctor was trying to bill for unneeded services... By the way, this practice will dump you once you go on Medicare.
About Hygienist: HORRIBLE. Big hands, and rough touch. Took the floss and plucked me instead of doing the "up and down"...