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While having my procedure done, I was told that my dental insurance would cover 80% of the total $900 cost. I was told they would also bill my health insurance to try & get partial payment from them as well. After explaining this, she asked that I pay $200. I disagreed, as that was more than the 20% I would owe, even w/o billing my health insurance. She then asked that I pay $100, & if a balance was due, I would be invoiced. The procedure took 20 mins.
Over a month went by, when I received a bill for $600. I called & was told that the bill was in error, & was simply a matter of my dental ins not yet sending payment. She stated my health ins had paid about $60 towards the claim. Upon hearing this, I expected I would at some point receive a bill for about $40.
Another month went by. I received nothing else. I called & spoke with the same woman, explaining I wanted to confirm insurance had paid. She checked and said 'Looks good to me, nothing is due!'. Imagine my surprise when the following week I received a bill for $400! I spoke this time with Mike, the business mgr, who oops! forgot to deduct $300 in insurance payments. He sent a revised invoice. And a letter threatening to send me to collection for my past due account. Unreal.