In my life, I have been to a good many dentists and have had my share of work done. This over a 60+ year span. I must say that the experience that I had with Dr Knoff was the worse by far. This is the stuff that makes dental cowards like myself. I explained when I initially went to see them that I would like nitrous oxide as my choice for sedation. This, since I was accustomed to nitrous in my share of dental visits. They agreed. When I finally got into the chair for the work, they put the mask on. It was not having any effect. I believe that it was either a defective tank or empty. In any event they said that it was up all the way and seemed to ignore my discomfort. Without trying to resolve the problem or even offering an alternative Dr. Knoff proceeded to wrestle the teeth out. I say this because it was like a wrestling match complete with extreme pain. The most harsh and painful experience with a dentist ever. He even had to inject me again halfway through the procedure.
In my honest opinion, this dentist gave absolutely no consideration to my comfort or my value as a patient. A total "wham bam thank you ma'am" experience. If this was the only dentist in the state of Washington, I would fly to California to a dentist there